Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thing #5 - Explore Flickr

Flickr is really cool, I was lost in there for hours. Here is cool picture I found on City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia (Spain).

Monday, June 23, 2008

Thing # 4 - Register Blog

I have registered my blog, and hopefully I will get the official welcome email indicating that I am registered. It has been a real good learning experience for me so far.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thing #3, Set up Blog

My blog is set up. It was lot of fun creating the avatar.

Thing #2 - Pointers from Life long learners

The easiest thing for me is to accept responsibility of my learning, I enjoy learning new skills. The hardest things are to view problems as challenges and have confidence.

Thing #1, Read Blog

Looking forward to learning 23 things while playing. Sounds like fun.